Different ways to support individuals when they feel frightened.
Resource Tag Archives
Supporting Individuals with Separation Anxiety
Understanding the causes of separation anxiety and exploring ways to support individuals.
Anxiety and Early Years Transitions | Dave Smallwood
Clare and Dave discuss the impact of early years school transitions on children, parents and carers.
Supporting Exam Stress | Dave Smallwood
Clare and Dave talk about supporting with exam pressure, and strategies to alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety.
Navigating Exam Stress and Anxiety
A holistic approach to support for students, staff, parents, and carers during exam seasons.
Behaviour Scenario: Refusing Medication for Cultural Reasons
Decide what is likely to happen next and opportunities to do things differently to de-escalate difficult situations.
Behaviour Scenario: Trauma Affects Hospital Appointment
Decide what is likely to happen next and opportunities to do things differently to de-escalate difficult situations.
Behaviour Scenario: Anxious Student in Queue
Decide what is likely to happen next and opportunities to do things differently to de-escalate difficult situations.